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Postponed to March 30th: Our All-Teen Driver Street Survival Skills Clinic.

Freezing weather means our all-teen day is happening in March. Register now for the event that can change — and possibly save —a young driver’s life.

We can overcome most setbacks at ProFormance Racing School. But sometimes the weather defeats even us. Due to freezing temperatures, our special event to hone teen drivers’ skills has been moved to March 30th.

A consistent favorite of parents and teens

Our All-Teen Driver Street Survival Skills Clinic, which helps young drivers acquire the skills and awareness they need to stay safe on faster and increasingly busy roads, is one of ProFormance’s most popular courses. Teens come away with a new awareness of what their cars can do, and what they can do to control the cars and stay safe on the road. Parents, of course, get a boost in their peace of mind, knowing that seasoned professionals have helped their sons and daughters on the road to driving maturity.

A special event for teens only

Usually the Teen Driver Street Survival Skills Clinic is given alongside our renowned One-Day High Performance Driving Experience. Our March 30th event is teens only. Instructions will emphasize the driving skills teenagers need to learn, and the safety issues they need to understand. Everyone takes the AM session, and there is an optional but recommended PM session as well. Participants must be between the ages of 15 1/2 and 21, have at least a learner’s permit, and have 6 months’ driving practice.

Beginning where Driver’s Ed stops

Some teens and parents think that a typical Driver’s Ed course is all that is needed to introduce a teen to driving and all it entails. In fact, at ProFormance we like to say that Driver’s Ed teaches you how to operate a motor vehicle. The Teen Clinic teaches you how to drive a car. Our professional instructors will help teens gain an understanding of the car’s active and passive safety systems. They’ll also be on their way to building a skill set that enables then to drive safely through acute situations.

The essential fun factor

The name “Street Survival Skills Clinic” fails to convey one fact: that whoever takes it will have the time of their lives. As a teen driver, you’ll be doing things you’ve never been able to do on the road: testing your car’s systems — and your own driving ability — to the max, with fast acceleration and abrupt braking. You’ll be taking the car beyond your ability to control it, so you know precisely where that control point is. The exercises that do this are not just illuminating: they’re incredibly exciting and fun. It’s not just the high point of your week — if you’re like most people you’ll consider it the high point in your life!

Swag, snacks, and PM session thrills

The half day will include gifts and refreshments too. And if you can, sign up for the PM session too: you’ll have a once-in-a-lifetime* chance to lap around the famed Pacific Raceways track.

Thrills minus pressure, mistakes minus judgement equals fun

Teens can take the One-Day High Performance Driving Experience alongside adults on any day it’s offered. Why have an all-teen event? The reason is that, for many teens, it makes for more enjoyment. Trying new things just with their peer group, without adults, is likely to be more fun. More important, the teens can push themselves and each other without feeling inhibited. “We live in a judging society,“ says Donna Porada-Kitch, ProFormance’s Chief of Operations. “No one wants to make a mistake. But here at ProFormance no one gets judged.” The course is a safe place for teens to ask questions and be themselves.

Peace of mind for parents

Teens face unique challenges on the road. In driving and in other pursuits, they’re often confident when they shouldn’t be. The All-Teen Driver Street Survival Skills Clinic lets students gain driving experience in a safe, controlled environment, making all they mistakes they need to in a large expanse of ground with no impact areas. The skills and confidence they acquire are real: they know more about what they and their car are capable of.

Thanks to our sponsor

The public-spirited sponsorship by Elsner Law Firm allows ProFormance to hold this event at a reduced cost for a very fortunate group of teens. Thanks to their community involvement, young drivers from different places and backgrounds will be able to have a great time on this day and learn more than they ever have about their own driving skills.

Events like this are close to our hearts at ProFormance. Participants have fun and learn a lot. Instructors know they’ve helped make the roads a little safer. In short, everyone drives away happy.

Register now – save the date!

If there is a teen in your family who you want to keep safe on the roads, register now for the March 30th All-Teen Driver Street Survival Skills Clinic. They’ll have an amazing time, and will thank you for a day of thrills. All the while, you’ll know you’ve given them much more than that.

And if you’re a teen reading this – make whoever’s in charge aware of this event. It’s a life changer — guaranteed!

Photo credit: Rick Dahms

*Unless, like about half the alumni of the course, you sign up for more driving courses, in which case you and Pacific Raceways will become old friends, and your driving skills will go off the charts.

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