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ProFormance On Screen

When a fast car and some professional drivers are needed on film, who you gonna call? ProFormance.


We’ve all seen the notice on the bottom of the screen warning you not to speed and drift around corners in traffic. Did you ever wonder where that “closed course” is? Often ProFormance Racing School supplies the track – and experienced professional drivers – to companies that need to film cars in don’t-try-this-at-home situations. Our instructors are well-versed in precision driving of all types. They make the cars do what the director wants, efficiently and safely. And they make it all look easy.

Camry For the Win

Toyota took advantage of Pacific Raceways for a commercial featuring the 2018 Camry. After the commercial was done, the crew had some fun filming a mock episode of COPS, in which Don got to show off the Camry’s speed and handling on the wet road. You can view some of the commercial footage at the end of the spoof.

It Wasn’t Just the Tires Smoking This Time

don kitch and VICE TV's Krishna walking at Pacific Raceways
Click image for video

When marijuana was legalized in Washington State back in 2012, stoned driving immediately became an important public issue. Vice TV filmed an episode of their Weediquette series at ProFormance to find out if drivers really can drive safely while under the influence of pot (spoiler: they can’t). Chief Instructor Don Kitch, Jr. put Vice correspondent Krishna Andavolu through the paces, revealing how much worse a driver’s performance becomes once he’s impaired.

Note: to watch the episode, you’ll need either to indicate your TV provider or click once for a 30-minute pass.

On a Mission from MTV

Back in the ate Jurassic era of cable television (the 1990s), MTV was helping to create popular culture around the world. One of the shows, Road Rules, featured a group of strangers who traversed the globe completing missions. One of those voyages landed them at Pacific Raceways, where Don gave them a quick course in performance driving.

The clip continues here.

Over the years ProFormance drivers and Pacific Raceways has appeared in many commercials, training videos, TV shows, and news segments. If you want to see more appearances, subscribe below to The Inside Line.

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