Next One-Day High Performance Clinics: Sat. Feb., 15th or 23rd PM Lapping Available
DismissALL Groups are SOLD OUT
Welcome to our 5th Annual Winter Driving Series…where we take advantage of Pacific Raceways being available to us on weekends!
On any given summer or winter day, the NW weather is ever-changing. We encourage our drivers to take advantage of these dynamic weather conditions and come out to the track to learn and have fun while playing cars with us.
This series has proved very popular with our clients, so we highly encourage your to preregister to avoid the disappointment of being sold out. But remember same day on-site registration for drivers who are solo are always welcome. We will do our best to fit you in as space warrants.
NOVICE $295.00 Includes helmet rental, full day program, lunch, & FUN! 9-4:30 pm See schedule & car preparation checklist below.
Intermediate & Advanced Lapping $225.00 8-4:30 pm includes lunch.
Next Step for the Novice driver returning for additional FUN!
Drivers graduating from the One Day High Performance Driving clinic ($555.00) are required to take on 1 coaching session (45 minutes) for their solo upgrade.
Drivers returning from the Introduction to Sport lapping ($395.00) or Taste of the Track Winter Driving ($295.00) are required to take 1.5 coaching sessions (60 minutes) for their solo upgrade.
Register & online payment below. Questions? 253.630.5130
Schedule & Car Prep
NOVICE arrival time for check by 9 am. Classroom starts at 9:15 am
Intermediate & Advanced Registration open at 7:30 am. Driver’s Meeting at 8:15 am