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ProFormance to Integrate Garmin Catalyst into Driver Development Programs

ProFormance clients are used to having a reliable coach in the car with them.  And while we’ll always have flesh-and-blood instructors/coaches to guide our drivers, in recent years technology has given us new ways to gather and interpret driver data. At ProFormance we’ve tried out most of the data acquisition systems out there to find ways to help drivers learn as much as they can.

Much search and experimentation has led us to adopt Garmin Catalyst as our official driving performance optimizing system. The device mounts in the cockpit, gathering performance data, giving real-time audio cues, and offering immediate session analysis to show you key areas for improvement.

A Driving Coach on your Dashboard

Why use an electronic device on the track? Here is some of the information that the Catalyst provides drivers:

  • Your true positioning on the track
  • Audio cues from your headset or car stereo
  • Your lap time – are you ahead or behind your previous lap time?
  • The ability to factor performance data to show your optimal lap time
  • Suggestions for improvement
  • Instant review and stats after your session

There are several reasons ProFormance has gone with the Garmin Catalyst:

  • Drivers get instant post-session data directly from the instrument, with no need to download to a laptop or other device
  • It always provides 3 opportunities for improvement based on previous session
  • It never coaches you to do something it has not seen you do prior
  • Audio coaching
  • Theoretical lap is provided numerically and visually in video form

Adopting the Garmin Catalyst at ProFormance

The Garmin Catalyst will become an integral part of the ProFormance driver development program this year. Our advanced drivers will be using the device during our lapping programs to help take their driving to the next level.

We’ll have two units onsite and available for clients to test. And our spring instructor clinic will include comprehensive training from Garmin factory representatives for our instructors. This way our staff will be better prepared to help our drivers get the most of out of their Catalyst’s many features.

Our safety equipment supplier Armadillo Racing Products will be representing the Garmin Catalyst for those wishing to purchase one. Here’s more info about the device, which we think will be a big boost in helping our drivers reach their full potential.

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