Next One-Day High Performance Clinic: Sat., March 22nd or Sun. March 23rd

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The Best Father’s Day Gift: The One Day HPDE For The Big Wheel In Your Family

A Father’s Day gift is not the easiest thing to shop for. Chances are he’s got a good socket wrench. Does he really wear cologne? And neckties? Seriously?

Here’s a better idea. Give your dad a gift card for the ProFormance Racing School One-Day High Performance Driving Experience. It’s a full day of thrills and discovery at Pacific Raceways. No matter how good (or let’s face it, how not-so-good) a driver your dad is, the One-Day HPDE will be a day he’ll never forget. He’ll test the limits of his driving and go beyond them, learning how to see the road as a race driver sees it, and sharpening his ability to corner, brake and more.

A Full Day of Thrills

The morning consists of a fascinating classroom session to nail down advanced driving fundamentals, followed by hands-on-the-wheel exercises that help him find his limits, test them, and go beyond them.

During the afternoon he’ll hone all those skills by lapping Pacific Raceways (a dream in itself for a lot of people) accompanied by a qualified instructor.

Your dad will come away with a new understanding of his car and driving. And he will have the time of his life – guaranteed!

June 21st is Father’s Day – Act Now!

Father’s Day is coming up – June 21st – but purchasing a gift card for the One-Day High Performance Driving Experience is quick and easy. Do it today, and we promise it’ll be the best Father’s Day gift he’ll ever receive.

Or if you prefer, you can give him another necktie. Your move.

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