Next One-Day High Performance Clinics: March 1, 8, 9, 22, 23, 28

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New Car Testing

Your new car is talking to you.
Do you know what it’s saying?

All cars a different, and car technology is changing all the time. So taking the wheel of a new vehicle is always a new experience. Anyone who loves driving will naturally want to get deeper into their car and know everything it has to offer. The place for new car testing is the track and nowhere else.

Whether you’ve acquired a new car or a vintage ride, the best way to put it through the paces is with ProFormance One-Day High Performance Driving Clinic.

The AM Skills Clinic will show you how your car accelerates, brakes, and responds in a variety of situations, using exercises you can’t reproduce on the street.

The PM Lapping gives you a chance to take your new car on the track with a qualified instructor. By the end of the afternoon, you’ll be one with your car, able to enjoy it fully and get the most out of every straightaway and curve.

And if someone in your life has a new vehicle (or one that’s new to them), the ProFormance One-Day Clinic is a gift that simply can’t be topped.

Find out all your new car’s secrets at ProFormance.

